Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekend Reflections

While reading my fellow classmates' blog posts I developed an overall idea as to how people use Twitter and who they follow on Twitter.  In almost every instance, the other students would follow friends and classmates first, then follow what interests them.  The students follow news channels, local and global news, their favorite brands and companies, and celebrities.  An excellent point from Lindsay Hoskins in her blog, is that the more we use social media and tools like Twitter, over the years as we mature, so does our taste and she said as she matured she is more interested in global news and events and is following politicians and the news.  As I read her blog I took time to reflect on how I used social media, and I agree with Lindsay.  I too have seen a maturity in my tastes and interests and this is reflected through my social media and my Twitter followers.  

1 comment:

  1. This reads like "Half" of a post. More specifically, what have you observed in your tastes and interests as reflected in your twitter engagement?
